Gene Meneray Gene Meneray

Crescendo 2024

Crescendo, our seven week music business intensive workshop, returns Tuesday September 24th. This free program addresses what you need to succeed in the modern music economy. Join us from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday (except Election Day) through November 12 at the New Orleans Jazz Museum.

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Gene Meneray Gene Meneray

The Crescendo Sessions: Performing at Festivals

There’s always a festival in Louisiana, and where’s there’s a Louisiana festival, there’s sure to be music! For the artist, these gigs can be different than club dates, and require a specific approach to marketing, backline, and coordination to make it as successful as possible.

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Gene Meneray Gene Meneray

Crescendo: Publishing & Revenue Streams

Join us for our next Crescendo Music Business Workshop! Presented by musician Lou Hill and attorney Bri Whetstone, this free workshop covers music publishing, and maximizing revenue streams.

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Gene Meneray Gene Meneray

Crescendo by Zoom: Legacy Building & Copyright Termination

Join us this Tuesday November 15th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. CST via Zoom as Crescendo concludes with Legacy Building & Copyright Termination. Special Guest F. Casey Del Casino of Del Casino Law in Nashville, TN and Jim Grace and Luke Blackadar of the Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston join our lead team of Lou Hill & Bri Whetstone to discuss:

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Gene Meneray Gene Meneray

Crescendo: Music Publishing via Zoom

Our Crescendo Music Business Intensive continues Tuesday October 4th at 5:30 p.m. at the New Orleans Jazz Museum with Publishing & Revenue Streams. Join our lead presenters musician and entrepreneur Lou Hill and attorney Bri Whetstone as they discuss:

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Gene Meneray Gene Meneray

Crescendo: Music Publishing

Our Crescendo Music Business Intensive continues Tuesday October 4th at 5:30 p.m. at the New Orleans Jazz Museum with Publishing & Revenue Streams. Join our lead presenters musician and entrepreneur Lou Hill and attorney Bri Whetstone as they discuss:

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