Funding & Grants for Local Music Projects on January 22

JOIN US ON ZOOM Wednesday January 22nd, join Kia Robinson Hatfield of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation and Gene Meneray of The Ella Project and the Louisiana State Arts Council as they discuss funding strategies and opportunities for musicians and music organizations. Issues to be covered include:

  • Funding from the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation, State of Louisiana, and other foundations.

  • The goals and philosophies of arts funding.

  • Researching funding opportunities.

  • Preparing grant applications.

  • Plus Your Questions!

Funding & Grants for Local Music Projects 

Wednesday January 22nd, 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Livestreamed via Zoom for Zoom link, please click here.


Protecting your IP Workshop Wednesday January 29


Utilizing Social Media for Music Promotion on 01/15/25